On 11th of March 2015 at Sofia Hotel Balkan, Dinova Rusev and Partners Law Office held the first Bulgarian conference on IT EMPLOYMENT LAW AND PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION COMPLIANCE.

The Conference was led by DRP Managing Partner Anelia Dinova, our Employment law experts Vesela Kabatliyska and Petia Simeonova  

Special guest-speaker of the conference was Attorney-at-law Stephen J. Hirschfeld, Chief Executive Officer of the Employment Law Alliance (ELA), who presented to the audience the benefits of the ELA network to our clients.

Our guests were managers of the top IT employers in Bulgaria who participated the discussion with interest in the issues affecting their business and our practical advices with this regard.

The speakers and the guests discussed different legal issues and compliance required towards the IT companies in Bulgaria in their capacity of employers and personal data controllers. Issues related to the implementation of whistleblowing systems and share option plans which are non-discussed widely in Bulgaria.

More information on the event you may find on the following websites:




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In the recent hours third parties have copied the logo and details of Dinova Rusev and Partners law office and have send a number of spam or phishing emails from gmail.com. Our mails are with domain drp-legal.com. DRP does not use gmail.com and does not send mails to third parties outside contacts with clients. The information in these emails does not come from our law firm and has no relation to the law office.

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Уважаеми Партньори,

през последните часове трети лица са копирали логото на дружеството и изпращат фишинг и спам мейли от gmail.com от името на дружеството. Официално бихме искали да ви уведомим, че тези зловредни мейли се изпращат от трети лица, които не са и нямат нищо общо с дружеството. Мейлите на дружеството са с домейн drp-legal.com. Адв. Др-во Динова Русев и Съдружници не изпраща мейли от gmail.com и не изпраща мейли извън контакти с клиенти на дружеството. Информацията в подобна комуникация не произхожда и няма нищо общо с дружеството. Уведомили сме съответните власти и служители в Гугъл за тези зловредни действия и сме предприели всички възможни мерки за прекратяване на тези действия.