Dinova Rusev and Partners





Dinova Rusev & Partners (“DRP” or the “Company”) is a full scope law firm based in Bulgaria offering companies a wide range of legal services. We pride ourselves in providing results orientated and personalized advice of an exceptionally high standard in a time and cost efficient manner.



We walk the extra mile with corporate clients to help them achieve goals by providing high quality legal advice in a practical manner.

DRP is committed to building long-term, sustainable relationships with the clients. We achieve this by treating each client as an individual entity with their own set of priorities, challenges and objectives.


“GOING THE EXTRA MILE being ESG Responsible”


All companies leave some environmental impact. Our core activity, although being a legal services provider, and not a production enterprise, is still an activity that is using electricity at least to run an office, has its impact on the deforestation process by using lots of paper, impacts directly or indirectly on different environmental issues.

During the past ten years we gradually managed to identify the core environmental issues our company is confronted by and to implement mechanisms to mitigate them and reduce the negative environmental impact our activity has.

Taking the responsibility for the environmental impact DRP’s operations may have, we are committed to ensure low energy and water consumption, savings and efficiency during company operations and waste management, no hazardous waste – reduce, reuse and recycle from operations.

We achieve this along with others with our new systems and policy for drinkable water, our laptop replacement policy, recycling equipment, paper shredding program and separate waste collection.

We work together with our team members, service providers and clients to ensure we all are moving in the right sustainable direction.

The Company is working closely with different start-up initiatives, since we understand that innovations bring a long-term positive impact not only on the economy, but the society and the environment as well.

Our Environmental approach could be defined in summary in the sustainability principles we follow:

  • gradually improving our environmental impact – we implement routines to ensure climate and environmentally conscious operations; we measure our progress every year
  • being together with our team members and clients to achieve sustainability transformation
  • transparency, unity & accountability in company’s governance


Having one of the most inspiring business women in Bulgaria as our founder and partner marked our social culture and core values since the beginning of our activity. Our top priority is to identify and respect the differences that exist among our people. This is exactly what makes us unique in the Bulgarian market. Following her example, our new Managing Partner is again powerful and inspiring woman both great professional and motivating leader.

50% of our partners are women, we have team members of different ages, race and ethnical origin, and we strongly encourage our team members to develop specialized skills.

It has always been our mission to make a difference as lawyers. We hold high personal and professional ethical standards and principles, and we are always guided by the law and nothing else. Our relationships with clients and partners are built on trust, respect, shared values, and transparency.

We are well-known as an employer that provides a good package of additional benefits, opportunities for qualification increases, flexibility, and transparency in payment processes, including gender pay equity. For example, we strive to provide a minimum of 20 hours per year of professional or personal development educational programs for our personnel.

Our main asset is our people, and their health and well-being are the only drivers of our development as trusted legal advisors and employer. We do our best to provide flexible working arrangements to our team members, including flexible start and end times for the working day and a remote work allowance, to help them achieve the most important balance between work and personal life. We also invest tremendous time and effort in the personal and professional development of our people. With an effective and transparent process of annual performance reviews, goals setting process, and regular counselor meetings, we prove every day that we are here for our people. We congratulate each achievement, communicate and address personal and professional issues, needs, and goals.

Health and safety are our other top priorities. We work with one of the best occupational medicine service providers in Bulgaria, and we have well-trained personnel responsible for health and safety. We provide a great amount of training and information to our employees concerning their work life. DRP also ensures its team members with an additional healthcare luxury package and annual medical check-ups.

The main key indicator of the success of our social mission is the fact that the average years of experience of our personnel as DRP team members is more than 10 years.


As trusted legal advisers, our business is based on strict governance rules that ensure a high level of confidentiality, personal data and trade secrets protection, as well as effective KYC and anti-money laundering procedures.

Our corporate and internal relations are always based on our policies against discrimination and sexual harassment, as well as whistleblowing protection and communication channels. We also hold high anti-bribery and anti-corruption standards that correspond to our personal values as lawyers. We not only make these our main mission and internal policies, but we also repeat the essence in our staff handbook and conduct periodic internal trainings on these topics.

Based on these three main pillars, our business has developed, and we have taken the steps outlined within this document to improve our ESG compliance in 2023.


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Dear Partners,

In the recent hours third parties have copied the logo and details of Dinova Rusev and Partners law office and have send a number of spam or phishing emails from gmail.com. Our mails are with domain drp-legal.com. DRP does not use gmail.com and does not send mails to third parties outside contacts with clients. The information in these emails does not come from our law firm and has no relation to the law office.

We have notified the authorities and relevant authorities and officers in Google on this malicious activity and taken all possible measures for suspension of these activities.



Уважаеми Партньори,

през последните часове трети лица са копирали логото на дружеството и изпращат фишинг и спам мейли от gmail.com от името на дружеството. Официално бихме искали да ви уведомим, че тези зловредни мейли се изпращат от трети лица, които не са и нямат нищо общо с дружеството. Мейлите на дружеството са с домейн drp-legal.com. Адв. Др-во Динова Русев и Съдружници не изпраща мейли от gmail.com и не изпраща мейли извън контакти с клиенти на дружеството. Информацията в подобна комуникация не произхожда и няма нищо общо с дружеството. Уведомили сме съответните власти и служители в Гугъл за тези зловредни действия и сме предприели всички възможни мерки за прекратяване на тези действия.