Banking and Finance

How We Can Support You in Your Banking & Finance Transactions

Dinova Rusev & Partners advises on the full range of transactions taking place in the Banking & Finance sector. Whether you are a bank, lending institution, corporation, investment fund or private or institutional borrower, our team can offer you expert advice. Our client base includes several of the leading banks and lending institutions operating in the Bulgarian market for which we regularly act in complex national and cross border transactions, private sector clients and foreign investors.


We advise on syndicated and non-syndicated loans, secured and unsecured credit facilities, private banking, regulation and compliance, MIFID implementation, IPOs and squeeze and sell outs. We are also experienced in structuring of securities issues and licensing of banking and non-banking financial institutions.


Our team advises clients on acquisition, asset, real estate and project finance transactions, as well as all types of financial instrument, including debt securities, bonds and derivatives, securitisations and structured products. We can represent you in all types of capital markets work including listings and share capital increases, as well as your entry into venture capital investments and public private partnerships.

We are here to guide you through compliance with all financial services and stock exchange regulations.

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Dear Partners,

In the recent hours third parties have copied the logo and details of Dinova Rusev and Partners law office and have send a number of spam or phishing emails from Our mails are with domain DRP does not use and does not send mails to third parties outside contacts with clients. The information in these emails does not come from our law firm and has no relation to the law office.

We have notified the authorities and relevant authorities and officers in Google on this malicious activity and taken all possible measures for suspension of these activities.



Уважаеми Партньори,

през последните часове трети лица са копирали логото на дружеството и изпращат фишинг и спам мейли от от името на дружеството. Официално бихме искали да ви уведомим, че тези зловредни мейли се изпращат от трети лица, които не са и нямат нищо общо с дружеството. Мейлите на дружеството са с домейн Адв. Др-во Динова Русев и Съдружници не изпраща мейли от и не изпраща мейли извън контакти с клиенти на дружеството. Информацията в подобна комуникация не произхожда и няма нищо общо с дружеството. Уведомили сме съответните власти и служители в Гугъл за тези зловредни действия и сме предприели всички възможни мерки за прекратяване на тези действия.