Data Protection & GDRP compliance

Our Data Protection and GRDP Compliance team is well recognized as one of the most experienced specialist teams in the area. We provide our clients with specialized advice on all aspects of data protection and privacy compliance through the entire life-cycle of the data collection and/or processing tailored to the Client’s needs.

Our in-depth knowledge of the specifics of our clients’ business allows us not only to navigate our Clients through the fast-changing legislation, but also to help them take the best practical solutions for their specific case.

We support multinational companies, group of companies with non-EU based data recipients, a number of financial institutions and high potential start-ups in this area. This allows is to offer global expertise with profound local knowledge.

We have advised data controllers on different aspects of their activities, including marketing campaigns compliance, use of cloud services and other services involving data processing, implementation of whistleblowing schemes in compliance with the EU and local data protection law and permission of transfers of personal data to other countries, including non-EU member-states.

DRP’s Data Protection & Privacy team works in close relation with the other specialized teams of our law office dedicated in different fields of business, such as our Banking & Finance team. This allows us to provide our clients with high profile services addressing their specific business needs and suggest the best solutions to their business models considering all applicable regulations.

GDPR Compliance

Our team is recognized by both clients and peers as the top experts on GDPR implementation. We have specialized team of experts developed to the issues of the new regulation for the past few years.

We are advising a number of clients on preparation for the new requirements – from investigation of data flows and determining the required steps for compliance through the processes of designing different technologies processing data (IoT, web-platforms) and determining default settings with this regard.

Our team maintains close professional relations with the local regulator, EU institutions and other EU experts in the area. This allows us to be up-to-date with the latest development in the field, forthcoming legislative changes and build up experience on the specific procedures and potential risks related to such projects.

DRP’s Data Protection team participates in a number of educational courses on the new GDPR requirements and the current legislation – from high profile seminars addressed to the FINTECH and ICT sectors to general educational courses such as Economedia’s programs for manager’s trainings (Business Essentials and GDPR profiled courses). Our experts are one of the most desired lecturers in seminars and trainings on GDRP implementation not only in Bulgaria, but also in other jurisdictions.

We also participate in the round tables and public discussions on GDPR implementation hosted by the local data protection authorities and help develop the best practices in the area.

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Dear Partners,

In the recent hours third parties have copied the logo and details of Dinova Rusev and Partners law office and have send a number of spam or phishing emails from Our mails are with domain DRP does not use and does not send mails to third parties outside contacts with clients. The information in these emails does not come from our law firm and has no relation to the law office.

We have notified the authorities and relevant authorities and officers in Google on this malicious activity and taken all possible measures for suspension of these activities.



Уважаеми Партньори,

през последните часове трети лица са копирали логото на дружеството и изпращат фишинг и спам мейли от от името на дружеството. Официално бихме искали да ви уведомим, че тези зловредни мейли се изпращат от трети лица, които не са и нямат нищо общо с дружеството. Мейлите на дружеството са с домейн Адв. Др-во Динова Русев и Съдружници не изпраща мейли от и не изпраща мейли извън контакти с клиенти на дружеството. Информацията в подобна комуникация не произхожда и няма нищо общо с дружеството. Уведомили сме съответните власти и служители в Гугъл за тези зловредни действия и сме предприели всички възможни мерки за прекратяване на тези действия.