Energy and Environment

How Our Energy & Environment Practice Can Assist You

Expertise and attention to detail characterise our Energy & Environment practice most appropriately. Whether you are looking to break into, or have an existing long term commitment in this market, we can assist you from fundamental issues such as obtaining licenses to implementation of projects and resolving complex issues related to purchase of electricity, curtailment and balancing of the produced electricity.


Our Energy practice is recognized for its extensive experience and track record which includes some of the leading and most innovative transactions to have taken place in Bulgaria both in relation to producers and consumers of electricity. We can act on your behalf in relation to conventional, alternative and renewable energy installations, power purchase agreements, grid connections and transmission lines, as well as advice on the operational and regulatory issues which arise in such transactions. Dinova Rusev & Partners has extensive experience in advising on the implementation of EU legislation governing Energy and actively works with regulators on new pieces of legislation.

Our team is proud to be one of the few law firms to have a clear understanding of the legislation and procedures in place relating to the implementation of wind power plants. We acted in relation to the first wind power plant established in Bulgaria, assisting our clients from their initial investment to the successful opening and operation of the plant as well as on behalf of the investor in the implementation of the first CCGT power plant in Bulgaria. Equally, we are the firm to assist you in the implementation of your bio gas, hydro, solar and photovoltaic plants projects in Bulgaria.


From applications for operational environmental permits to regulatory and legislative compliance, our team has the experience necessary to assist you in all your activities in the field of the Environment. We have extensive experience in environmental clearance of mining operation and energy projects. Our clients, both international and local, require our assistance on a broad range of matters such as the joint implementation projects under the Kyoto Protocol, compliance with EU legislation governing carbon dioxide pollution emissions and climate change, as well as the sale and purchase of EU allowances in relation to carbon trading.

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Уважаеми Партньори,

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