Who We Are

Our Mission

We walk the extra mile with corporate clients to help them achieve goals by providing high quality legal advice in a practical manner.

Who Makes Up Our Team

Our lawyers are talented and committed. We prioritise their professional development and strive to create an inspirational working environment. We strongly believe that this produces better results. All of our lawyers work towards actively cultivating a relationship with our clients built on trust, availability and efficiency.

Our Vision

To be recognized as the best corporate law firm on the market where star performers work in a team.

How We Work
Dinova Rusev & Partners is committed to building long-term, sustainable relationships with our clients. We achieve this by treating each client as an individual entity with their own set of priorities, challenges and objectives. Whatever industry you operate in, Dinova Rusev & Partners is well placed to provide you with expert, tailored and effective advice. It is this energetic and enthusiastic approach to service which has gained us a place among the leading firms in Bulgaria.
Corporate Values

Professionalism and integrity, Creativity and innovation, Constant strive for excellence, Teamwork and mutual respect, Passion and enthusiasm

Corporate History
Dinova Rusev & Partners is founded in May 2005 by Anelia Dinova and Milen Rusev. Until 01 April 2009 the firm along with the Greek law firm Potamitis Vekris operated as member-firm of one of the big four consulting companies. Since 01 April 2009 Dinova Rusev & Partners operates as independent law firm providing full scope legal services to some of the major international investors in Bulgaria. DRP is a member of several international associations of law firms such as Employment Law Alliance, Association of European Energy Consultants and Eureseau International Network of Lawyers.
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Dear Partners,

In the recent hours third parties have copied the logo and details of Dinova Rusev and Partners law office and have send a number of spam or phishing emails from gmail.com. Our mails are with domain drp-legal.com. DRP does not use gmail.com and does not send mails to third parties outside contacts with clients. The information in these emails does not come from our law firm and has no relation to the law office.

We have notified the authorities and relevant authorities and officers in Google on this malicious activity and taken all possible measures for suspension of these activities.



Уважаеми Партньори,

през последните часове трети лица са копирали логото на дружеството и изпращат фишинг и спам мейли от gmail.com от името на дружеството. Официално бихме искали да ви уведомим, че тези зловредни мейли се изпращат от трети лица, които не са и нямат нищо общо с дружеството. Мейлите на дружеството са с домейн drp-legal.com. Адв. Др-во Динова Русев и Съдружници не изпраща мейли от gmail.com и не изпраща мейли извън контакти с клиенти на дружеството. Информацията в подобна комуникация не произхожда и няма нищо общо с дружеството. Уведомили сме съответните власти и служители в Гугъл за тези зловредни действия и сме предприели всички възможни мерки за прекратяване на тези действия.