Anelia Dinova

Partner, Founder

+359 2 903 0101

+359 2 946 3418


Admitted Sofia Bar, 2000
Sofia University, LLB, 1989
University of Limerick, MA in European Integration, 1993

Anelia is the co-founding partner of the firm. She has an extensive transactional practice with a primary focus on inward investment in Bulgaria, Russia and Slovakia. Anelia is well known for her skills in structuring and negotiating transactions and in particular for achieving workable and commercial solutions for her clients while retaining the legal integrity of a deal. Anelia is experienced in advising on the technical aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions taking place throughout Central and Eastern European countries. Her Real Estate practice includes advice on asset acquisition and due diligence procedures, mainly in the field of commercial real estate. On the construction side, she has been involved in a number of green field development projects as well as design, build and transfer projects, advising on the contractual structure and regulatory issues.

Anelia founded the firm in September 2003, having previously worked as a lawyer with Andersen Legal in Russia and Bulgaria and Weinhold Legal in Bratislava. Anelia has been published widely in her Areas of Practice, most recently on “Redundancy Schemes in Bulgaria”, published by Kluwer Law, 2007 and “Calling a Strike in Bulgaria”, published in The European Lawyer, 2007. She speaks English, Russian and Slovak.

My practice is made up primarily of transactional work, usually involving complex contractual relationships and legal structures. I enjoy the excitement involved in negotiations and solving complex issues which have to be dealt with prior to signature of contractual documentation. There is a great deal of creativity involved in structuring transactions and then documenting them to ensure that the client is getting what they signed up for. Companies can usually agree in principal relatively easily on general terms and structuring of deals. When it comes to actually implementing this in contractual documentation, small but significant differences emerge which need to be solved. I am proud that we have achieved recognition as one of the law firms of note in Bulgaria and this is due to our lawyers and the level of work which they produce.

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