Georgi Vladov


+359 2 903 0101

+359 2 946 3418


Admitted Sofia Bar, 2006
Sofia University, St. Kliment Ohridsky Master of Law, 2005

Georgi is a partner with Dinova Rusev & Partners. His Corporate & Commercial practice includes advising on corporate governance, company formation and commercial agreements. In the area of Real Estate, Georgi has experience of leading due diligence reviews, drafting of documentation and advising on the legal framework governing development and construction. Georgi also acts in relation to all types of corporate transaction, including mergers, acquisitions, restructurings and share purchases, undertaking deal structuring, drafting, due diligence and compliance with the regulatory framework in place. His Banking & Finance practice is focused on regulatory compliance of banks and financial institutions, project financing and debt restructuring. Georgi is fluent in English and is registered arbitrator in the Arbitration Court of the Bulgarian Football Union.

My job is challenging and rewarding and I really enjoy the opportunity to work in different areas of law for internal and international projects and to get a detailed insight into the companies involved in the projects. I am really happy to be part of our great team comprised of qualified professionals. We, in Dinova Rusev and Partners believe that it is of utmost importance not only to be excellent in the technical legal work, but also to understand the clients’ business needs and to provide legal advice tailor-made to the specific needs of the particular client.

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