Radoslav Zahariev

Senior Associate

+359 2 903 0101

+359 2 946 3418


Admitted Sofia Bar 2012
University of National and World Economy, Master of Laws, 2011

Radoslav is a senior associate with Dinova Rusev and Partners Law Office. His work is focused mainly in the field of Energy & EnvironmentDispute ResolutionReal Estate, as well as Corporate & Commercial.

He is experienced in the renewable energy sector and actively participates in the discussions and development of the energy legislation and the respective regulatory issues.

Radoslav also advises on matters regarding electricity trade, supply agreements and grid connection agreements. His Dispute Resolution practice is focused in administrative and civil litigation proceedings on energy issues. Radoslav also supports the team on a daily basis in several energy projects that the firm has undertaken.

He handles also various matters related to Real Estate area, where Radoslav is focused on sale-purchase agreements, due diligence and dispute resolution.

Radoslav joined Dinova Rusev & Partners in 2012 as a junior associate having experience in another law office based in Sofia, Bulgaria. In his spare time, Radoslav enjoys sports and spending time with his family.

It is important for me to be in an environment where my professional development is taken seriously. I enjoy all types of work, but the Energy & Environment sector is really challenging. The fast development of the energy sector allows me to not only to work what I really like, but also to gain invaluable experience on this sensitive issue for the society.

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