Milen Rusev

Partner, Co-Founder

+359 2 903 0101

+359 2 946 3418


Admitted Stara Zagora Bar, 2000
Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), Russia, Masters in Law 1994
College of Europe, Bruges, LLM 1996

Milen is a co-founding partner of Dinova Rusev & Partners. He has developed an expertise in assisting businesses across a range of industries to set up and expand their activities in the Bulgarian market. Milen has acted extensively in the field of company acquisitions and disposals and has substantial experience in advising on and drafting commercial contracts. He also undertakes regulatory work, with a specialization in advising listed companies on compliance. His Competition & Antitrust practice includes representing his clients before the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition, in particular in relation to obtaining anti-monopoly clearances and licenses and investigations of alleged breach of fair trading regulations. In the area of Dispute Resolution, Milen has experience in a wide variety of matters from debt recovery to breach of contract, commercial and employment related disputes. Milen’s expertise in the field of Energy & Environment is considerable and includes advising on free market energy trading, obtaining of licenses and compliance with the regulations and legislation in place. Milen also undertakes negotiations with the regulatory authorities.

Prior to founding Dinova Rusev & Partners, Milen was a senior associate in PI Partners. He also worked for the Ministry of Justice and European Integration as a freelance translator of EC Law Acquis and the Bulgarian Commission for the Protection of Competition as a chief expert. He worked  as a legal adviser with a due diligence service provider and with  Ernst & Young and Arthur Andersen as a tax and legal advisor. Milen has been published in his Areas of Practice and speaks English, French and Russian.

The competition law aspects of intellectual property work are particularly interesting for me. The application of two sets of inherently conflicting legal rules allows a lot of room for interpretation and as a result I am able to experience a huge variety of potential issues. I enjoy working across different legal cultures, in particular guiding overseas clients and accommodating their needs within the local environment. I find that translating an international company’s requirements and methods of doing business to the local environment, while retaining compliance with the prevailing legislative and regulatory framework, presents me with an intellectual challenge. The environment at the firm is team orientated and cooperative. I really enjoy working with my colleagues and being part of the corporate culture emerging from an accumulating practice.

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